понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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wow~ itapos;s been a while since i left, ne? i hope minna still remembers me. LOL~

im sorry if i left without posting up a hiatus message but i was just really busy that i dont even have the time to update my blog anymore.

iapos;ll be redesigning my page (hopefully when laziness stop attacking me. XDDD) and upping some bit of goodies too. ^__^

just to let you guys know. Take care

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Wow, I havenapos;t updated my journal in a bit.

So, when last I updated, I was getting ready to head to New Mexico for a conference. I was a bit of a wreck before I left, because it was a work thing and I was sure Iapos;d forget something important, like a computer cable or my plane ticket. Luckily, it went fine. I was picked up at the airport by one of the delegates to the Wilderness conference that was here in May, one-half of the couple that hosted me for the few days of the conference in their lovely adobe home somewhere in south Albuquerque.

The conference was a little dull, but still informative. I spent all day Wednesday and Thursday at the conference, learning about sensor networks and quality control and trying to look nice and sound professional. Iapos;d eat dinner with the couple, who helped put the conference on, then go home and socialize with them in the evening. Then I spent one whole day after the conference in the LTER offices (Long Term Ecological Research), interviewing people about the specific data needs of our station, and the best ways to address them given the experience I have. That part went really well, and was definitely more valuable than the conference itself.

While it was a great networking opportunity, I had to be on my toes the whole time. So, it was nice on the evening of the last day when I got dropped off at Winnings (a coffee shop) and I was able to take a few deep breaths in comfortable solitude, then got picked up by my mother-in-law for a a trip to Los Alamos and a few days of relaxing and hanging with family.

I only had three days there, but it was really nice. I ate tons of green chile (and bought 8 containers to pack home to Idaho) and drove around town with Mike. I hung out with Jeni and played with the 1-and-a-half-year-old Taylor-niece, whoapos;s got all sorts of strong opinions about things now (one-word opinions, admittedly). I made a couple of flower fairies. I spent a day in Santa Fe with Mike, which was both fun and productive...we walked into a shop where the proprietor was crazy to get rid of the items on her sale table, and I walked out with four gorgeous Chinese parasols, totally free.

Somewhere along the trip, I started feeling better. Iapos;ve had some sort of nameless lethargy and depression weighing on me for a while, but I think Iapos;ve started feeling better. I think part of it was reading Eat, Pray, Love throughout the trip, which is probably the most (personally) important book Iapos;ve read in the last few years, and definitely felt as though it was speaking directly to me. Part of it was probably just the safe environment, the long walks and car trips with Mike, and just having some fun in a no-stress environment. I think it can be a little hard to live in your workplace, so it was good to get away for a few days.

I didnapos;t have any trouble getting the green chile on the plane (I took a small cooler as checked luggage), and nobody raised an eyebrow at the parasols sticking out of my backpack. We flew RIGHT over the Valle and Los Alamos on the way to the Denver hub, and I could even see Tylerapos;s house. I got back to Boise and did some grocery shopping, and made it back to Taylor the next day, albeit late, due to an alarm clock accident. Sigh.

But it was a good trip. I had lunch with my friend Schulyer in Albuquerque (twice) and discovered the joys of Frontier. I got to go to a fantastic bookstore. I got to stock up on some of my favorite foods. I got to hang out with people I love and sleep late. I got to play "Heart-Shaped Box" on Guitar Hero and see the aspens starting to change color on Pajarito. It was good times.
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east feliciana school board

Zaterdag 18 oktober 2008 speelde VIOD in de eerste ronde van de beker tegen Jonge Kracht C1 uit Huissen. Ondanks de herfsvakantie konden wij een goed elftal de wei insturen. Sportpark Dichteren was gesloten, daarom maar gelijk vertrokken naar Huissen. Na de warming up maakte Jan de opstelling bekend.

In de goal:� �� �� �� �� �� � Willem

Achterin:� �� �� �� �� �� �� �Erik N, Kevin, Bart en Milan

Middenveld:� �� �� �� �� � Pascal, Kas en Dion

Voorin:� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� Victor, Erik P en Cihangir

Reserves:� �� �� �� �� �� � Stijn en Freek

Geblesseerd:� �� �� �� �� �Wouter

Jonge kracht speelt in Huissen. Net achter de Huissense dijk, tussen de glazen kassen. Tijdens de warming up scheen de zon uitbundig. Bij de aftrap hadden zich enkele wolken voor de zon verzameld en was het koud. Eric, onze grensrechter, moest zijn trainingsjas uitdoen omdat er reclame opstond. Hoe gekker kunnen we het nog meemaken? Onze tegenstander speelt in de 1e klasse. De trainer van Jonge kracht had alle kinderen een link gestuurd van onze weblog. Zo konden onze tegenstanders zich inleven in hun tegenstanders. Vijf minuten nadat de scheidsrechter had afgefloten scoorde VIOD een buitenspel doelpunt. Drie minuten later stond de 1-0 wel op het scorebord. Eril P kwam op een voorzet van Victor alleen op de keeper af. In eerste instantie blokte de keeper de bal, maar in de rebound scoorde Erik toch.� In de eerste helft was het spel van VIOD niet optimaal. Jonge kracht kreeg in de eerste helft geen enkele kans zodat VIOD met een 1-0 voorsprong de rust in ging. Al met al was er in de eerste helft niet veel te genieten en hoorden de toeschouwers de bladeren ritselen in de peppels.

In de tweede helft scoorde (na vijf minuten) Erik P de 2-0 na een snelle counter. In de zesde minuut kwam Freek erin voor Dion en Stijn voor Kas. De overwinning werd meegenomen naar Doetinchem.� In het laatste kwartier van de tweede helft zagen we eindelijk een paar mooie aanvallen van VIOD.

En nu maar afwachten welke mooie tegenstander er uit de loting komt rollen.

Begeleiding VIOD C1

� �

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Oh, so, I forgot to mention that, also, Placebo is totally something that is wonderful. And they make me happy.

And. Season 2 of the Sarah Connor Chronicles is making me cry much more than it really ever should. I blame Derek and also Cameron. I want more of this show. Also, some more Bionic Woman would totally win.

I am once again thinking that my hair is not short enough. I am not sure if this is Bill-inspired, or some further Jenny-influence. I hope it is not the latter, as itapos;s far too self-destructive to be dealt with right now. Also, Patrick so probably does not need that.

Being a robot might be kind of cool. Except for that whole issue with not having emotions and only doing what you are programmed to do. Thatapos;s probably not so awesome. Except you really wouldnapos;t have any problem with it if that were the case. Lack of free thought and all... I donapos;t know.

I think it is unfair that Summer Glau looks younger than I do, even though she si significantly older than I am. Clearly she has some sort of personal vendetta against me, or something.

Okay, I know she doesnapos;t. Probably.

Iapos;m tired and Iapos;ve lost my last pick. Life can be so cruel sometimes. Well, I guess thatapos;s not so bad when you consider the war thatapos;ll be here soon and the fight for human survival against the robots. I suppose that sucks more than my not being able to find a pick. But itapos;s still close.

Some shoes would be nice.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

feria del disco.cl

Thanks to Zhymmy:

I will eventually post real content. In the meantime, make shit up. :)

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now (even if we donapos;t speak often or ever), please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When youapos;re finished, post this little paragraph in your lj and see what your friends come up with.

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Trent cooed while breastfeeding today. I swear it sounded like YYYYUUUMMMMMM

I bought Trent two sports onesies today. USM (my alma-mater) and LSU. Very cute.

I put an iron-on on two of Trentapos;s plain onesies. One has a picture of a pirate skull and it says: Arrrr, wipe me booty.

The other says: Poop in 5,4,3...

Yesterday, when I picked Layla up from school, she launched into a story about the special snack they had that afternoon. It was chocolate milk and sprinkles and the "white stuff daddy uses to cut his face."

Me: "What?"

Layla: "The white stuff that daddy uses to cut his face. Iapos;ll show you when we get home."

We got home, she ran to the bathroom, and ran back with Tonyapos;s shaving cream.

Me: "No Layla, that is shaving cream. What you had on your chocolate milk was whipped cream."

She doesnapos;t believe me and keeps asking me to put Tonyapos;s shaving cream on her chocolate milk.

Devon has been saying: "I have no clue." when asked something. I say that when they ask me where things (toys, clothes, EVERYTHING) are.

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I am watching Dogtown and right away three things have become apparent to me:

1) I want to kill the people that abandon their dogs in their dessert. Or you know, shoot their dog rather than drop them off at the shelter.

2) I really really want to work here with the pups and rehabilitating them and omg. Please can i?

3) I want to adopt all the pups. OMG SO FUCKING CUTE

I really need to make doggeh iconses. I think I may have to do that later tonight and tomorrow...

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